Ornament Thursday January 2009

Jan 29

It's Ornament Thursday and my first official Ornament Thursday on my own blog. The overall theme this year is colors, which is a great way to play creatively, as there are some colors on this list that I don't work with much so I'll be expanding my horizons.

This month, the color is celeste, which is an icy light blue. Check out all of the great creations from the team this time.

Michelle's got a LOVELY Celeste prize for you!

Got some teeny tiny beads, sterling wire and a plain toggle? Lynn shows you how to put it all together for a fabulous clasp or focal pendant!
When a color you love goes out of production, make your own!

A bright blue sky and beach scene for dreary weather

Lisa sees ice in the desert of all places.

Cindy Gimbrone hooks up lovely ice blue cashmere into a celestial colored neck scarf. Finished off with an artist made button - it's uniquely hers for $20!

As for me, I created a card, inspired both by the color and the idea of ice. I had some snowflake punches, so I punched the flakes out of the translucent vellum, then glued some of the punched-out snowflakes back on the vellum for added dimension. And with the light blue paper and the shimmery blue ribbon, I was able to work within the theme.

I have to tell you, the way I've rearranged the living room so the cardmaking station is right there staring at me sure is getting me thinking about making cards more often. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the quilting machine.


Anonymous said...

Oh fun! I use to do some card making stuff a while back, but sadly no time these days. Love the snowflakes.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite shades of blue!
The snowflakes are adorable!

HeARTworks said...

What abeautiful blog- not a farm girl at all!

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